Hi! I’m Maya Spikes.
I’m here to help you write with confidence and change lives, one article or blog post at a time.
You’re in the right place if you’ve ever had any one of the following 3 thoughts:
- “I’m not good enough yet to write.”
- “I have no idea what to write about.”
- “I have so many ideas! I don’t know how or where to start writing.”
For a FREE checklist of writing ideas and other tips to start writing and finding people who want to read what you create, use this easy form below & click “I want this!”
I get what it’s like to want to write, but not know what to do next.

About 10+ years ago, I was waiting to find the perfect time to write.
Maybe you’re waiting for perfection, too.
Let’s face it. Writing isn’t easy.
But waiting to write doesn’t work.
Instead, you need to start writing now.
Because your readers need you now.
You might think, “But I don’t have any readers. I haven’t written anything.”
The only way to change both parts of this thought is to start writing.
There are people who need to read your message and/or your stories now.
So, let me help you do this.
You will find practical ways to start writing, find your people (aka: your readers), and change lives with your words.
And we can have fun along the way, too!
You can connect with me and other writers for support.
And, along with my helpful advice, I will throw in some random pop culture references.
Sometimes it’s to make a point. Sometimes it’s just to make you smile.

As a writer, I’m a strong believer that writers and aspiring writers do NOT have to struggle alone to improve their skills and build their audiences.
Currently, I’m the president of a writers organization in North Carolina called Triangle Association of Freelancers. I’ve taught and shared my writing knowledge in various places including a community college, writers meetings, and writers conferences.
Here are some of the publications and organizations where my writing and/or teaching sessions have been featured.

So now that you know more about me, I’d like to learn more about you.
That way, you go from wondering if you should write to knowing you can write.
Knowing who is your perfect reader is a great way to get started as a writer.
That’s why I’m giving you a FREE invitation to find out who you’re writing for.
Click here to get your free ideal reader checklist.
I’m looking forward to your success and telling people how I knew you “way back when!”
Talk to you soon!